Monday, December 4, 2006

Women in the Media

Women are talked about so much in the media and although not all of it is bad, there is a large portion that is unneccessary jibber-jabber for the sole purpose of having a story or just degrading for women in general. Most of the stories that I have found talk about how women look and being super skinny, but one shows the positive aspect of publicity. In my opinion, there should be WAY more about the positive things that women, mainly celebrities, are doing in their lives rather than all the gossip which can be detrimental to the self esteem of the young ladies in our society, especially when the articles emphasize TINY sizes being the most beautiful.

1 comment:

Lianne said...

definatley, there is not enough postive attention towards women in the media, and the negative attention is often written by women who should know better!I love your views and would love it if you would check out my blog-